The gooey stuff between your ears
So here is the thing. We think that reality looks a certain way and because we are the lead character in our own Hollywood play called life, we tend to forget that reality is shaped purely by our perception. Thinking that there is no set reality, feels incredibly scary to me at times. To those feeling like you are running in a hamster wheel which never stops. To those feeling like the world is on your shoulders and people depend on you. To those feeling like whatever you do, you can't seem to shake the weight off your body. To those who feel panic at the thought that something might happen to your children. You are not alone.

Now the good news are, that the gooey stuff between our ears is soft. It's made up of fat and it never sees the light. It's our brain that fires over 400 billion impressions per second. I can't even comprehend that high figure, 400 billion impressions! Per second! No wonder we shape our realities through our eyes, send these signals to our brain, which then attaches meaning to it based on our own experiences and energetic composition. Being told you are cynic can be a massive compliment to one while being told the same thing can seem like an incredible insult to another person.
What to do with this? You can choose.
You can't choose the stuff that happens to you. Death, illness, abuse. But you can choose how to respond to it. You can choose whether you want to keep putting up with abuse or whether you believe you deserve to be treated with love and respect. You can choose to cling on to the loss of a loved one and let the grief turn into bitterness against whoever you want to blame. Or you can choose to thank the person you have lost. Cherish the moments you shared, and marvel at the miracle of life.
I know. It's too simple of a recipe. With 400 billion impressions. Per second. That's a lot of choices to be made. And when you are deep down in the midst of your harrowing emotions, making choices does not always feel empowering but rather depleting. What horrifying thought, that we are responsible for all these choices! Ha! Well, there is only one way to sort that stuff out, and that is to make time and sit. On your bottom. And breathe. Then let all those billion impressions race through your mind while you stop stimulating more impressions and shift into observing what is going on. Your brain is like on autopilot. It will never stop. But you can stop. When you let those harrowing emotions race through your system and stop trying to avoid them, you will notice that it's not so bad. You notice that they are just emotions, feelings, belief systems that you have bought into at some stage when it made sense. And now, you can choose. Or breathe. Or both.
To those feeling like you are running in a hamster wheel which never stops. To those feeling like the world is on your shoulders and people depend on you. To those feeling like whatever you do, you can't seem to shake the weight off your body. To those who feel panic at the thought that something might happen to your children. You are not alone. You have a choice. Breathe.